its almost Christmas

Here we are Day 27 - If not for our little (long) document of Tyler's day I would not know how many days it has been. Every day is new victories with Tyler. We are hoping he will hit all his goals and be ready to come home on the 29th. Although, yesterdays phone call from the social worker said they may have to extend his care. This is both good and bad. The good is we really want Tyler in a place to come home and know and understand boundaries when it comes to his safety. The bad is he is a very active, and hates being told he can walk the hall or go outside. we have to get creative with things to do that won't over stimulate him and yet will occupy him while hanging out in the room.

We see more of Tyler  coming back. He still does not understand or know why he is here. His short term memory is hit and miss. Which is a praise because days ago he had no short term memory. Anything in his long term he remembers, some of the stuff he remembers is not facts. Like he is insistent Ashley has a brother. That was  yesterday,and you cannot convince him she does not.

Tyler will be changed by this we just don't know how much. We have been told personalities can change, tastes can change,  stimulation to certain things- one example plaid shirts. We really don't know who Tyler  will be when this is finished.

I know his love for disc golf is still there. He can go outside and put in the courtyard when its not raining. We have thrown the crochet discs in the room and the hall way. He really uses the hallway much to the nurses dismay.  Hospitals and Rehab facilities do not like people hanging out in the hall way, mainly because they hear what is happening with other patience and  you know HIPA laws.  It is frowned upon but yet they ALL know Tyler and know the more active physically the better for his mental state. Which is also why he can only go in a small area.

Tyler enjoys his therapy because he gets to go do much stuff. Playing air hockey as they watch for hand eye coordination, squats and burpies, riding a stationary bike, counting money, kicking the soccer ball, throwing a hula hoop, building with PVC, and much more. All these things they and us are watching Tyler's every move to see the processing of the brain. A simple game like UNO tells them and us so much!

We really do celebrate little things that you being a healthy 20+ year old would never think of! It's the little things that keep us encouraged and allow us to see the healing process.

We keep saying it is amazing! We are literally watching the brain heal daily. We are watching little things happen that were not there the day or two before. We celebrate these victories and praise the Lord for His healing hand on our son. We know Tyler is being prayed for because we are seeing and feeling the hand on the Lord Jesus Christ in our days. We are amazed that we can cry out for specific prayers through our hearts and sharing the request and we see answered prayers. Sometimes it is not that night or day, sometimes we have to wait for a couple days but either way we are seeing God's mercy on our son.  We praise Him when He answers immediately and when  He does not answer at all or makes us wait. My Faith is not shaken!! I don't like to wait but I don't doubt if He can it's a matter of if He will.

Chris and I got to go to Hickory and spend some time at home together as a family. It was great the kids cleared their schedule to have time with us. We got to enjoy lunch at work - Chris' favorite which he missed, Salsarita's, watched a movie and decorated the tree and had dinner. It was nice being home, I so miss my kids. I love having time with them, hugging them.  To see them put everything aside to spend time together was a gift. They are so precious to us!! I feel so pulled. Being a mom pulls on your heart strings. I want to be there for all my kids- want to sit and talk and love on them. When something like this happens you have to make a choice. You have to be able to see where the most important things are and yet let each kid know how important they are to you. You have to take the little opportunities to spend time together. Chris takes every chance when he is in Hickory to eat with the kids. His favorite way would be to have all the kids together for lunch or dinner (usually Lunch).

It is almost Christmas and the festive season we are not in the mood for. It honestly feels surreal. It does not feel like Christmas. It feels like just a day. My days change based on who the NA is for the day and when we have 3 days of the same NA it's only one really long day in my book. Carmen in is the season and when we went home I made myself get my festive shirt on and try to celebrate. Our Christmas will be some time in January this year.  We celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ every day so really what difference does the day make!! we will have Christmas in January and we will rejoice in the Lord and His healing hand on our son!!!

Please join me in prayer for Tyler to heal completely, for him to take meds willingly some days are better than others and we can see the meds working or not when he does not take them., We do not want to "trick" him into taking them we want him to know and understand why he needs them! Pray Tyler is know and understand his boundaries, pray for our kids that in this time when they can feel in the back ground they would know they are loved and we would be here no matter which child it was! Pray for progress and Tyler to be ready to come home. pray Chris, Ashley, Kyle and I would feel comfortable and not anxious about caring for Tyler when he comes home. That we would be confident in bringing Tyler home. Right now we have an army helping us to take care of him and it is easy when we are over stimulating to allow a nurse or NA to step in, we won't have this at home. Please pray we can put a schedule together that works for everyone. Pray we will be able to read Tyler's clues as to when he has had enough!!

Thank-you for carrying our burden. We know the lord calls us to love each other by carrying the others burdens, laying ourselves down. We could not do this with the Lord's help and His people. We are thankful for each of you reading and praying for our boy! The Lord is good to us!!!

Mark 1:15 , "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel."

I will ask at this time of year - have you repented of all your sins? Do you know there is NOTHING good in you? Do you know you are not worthy? Christ is the ALL in ALL and any good thing is Him and HIM ALONE!!!!!! 

To God be the glory!!!!


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