Not many things i get up early for
I get up in the middle of the night for Black Friday shopping, shoe sales, late night feedings, puppy training, and now i can add sitting by Tyler's side. Chris and i switched tonight so here i sit and watch Tyler sleep. Glad he is sleeping tonight. He has not slept much the last 2 nights. Tyler was up most of this afternoon so that may help.
Oh the days events- the past couple days events. Tyler is in rehab now. Moved here today. I tell you things happen so fast sometimes. 930 am yesterday PATH team made their rounds. We talked to them about Tyler's feeding schedule, about getting some wires off of him, trying to get him up more, and in general how he was doing. We came to realize that the hospitals are great in emergency situations but in really knowing what to do in a brain injury situation, not so much. So during rounds we were told that we were waiting on insurance to approve Tyler's rehab and then after that waiting on a room to open up. Rehab was full.
1030am - nurse comes in and says Tyler is moving to rehab at 2pm. I had plans to go to lunch with my sister-in-law. To take a break and get out of the hospital for a bit, fresh air and time with my sis. Needed that! I was gonna cancel but figured she was on her way and we don't get lunch often together and i was looking forward to it. Packed up some of Tyler's stuff so Tracy could help me take it to the Hospitality house (aka the house). We took a load over and went for a walk to find food.
We got back from lunch and Ashley was with Tyler. He was sitting in the chair talking up a storm. For a guy who really does not say much, this brain injury has caused him to talk nonstop (some makes sense) and so fast. I cannot tell you how many people have commented on how fast and much he talks. This has to be all the brain injury, because Tyler is a man of few words. Oh how i wish some of his high school teachers could hear him.
Tyler must of known we were moving him, hearing us talk about him leaving the hospital because he was focused on one thing from about 1 til after 2 and that was leaving. He told his nurses bye, gave them big hugs, told them thank you. Again, had to be the brain injury. Tyler is sweet to people but he is not a hug everyone kind of guy. He was yesterday. Not sure how much is injury and how much is drugs.
We find out when they moved him to rehab that they moved 2 patients out of the unit to allow Tyler not onlyba room in tbe safest part of the rehab but he has his own room so we can stay with him. Boy was that a blessing.
We find out when they moved him to rehab that they moved 2 patients out of the unit to allow Tyler not onlyba room in tbe safest part of the rehab but he has his own room so we can stay with him. Boy was that a blessing.
We got into rehab and he got over stimulated with everyone wanting to come check him out. Seriously, we get here he is sleeping sound. I am thankful and 4 people all want to check him out, poke and prod him. I would and was over stimulated. Momma Bear in me wanted to scream, would you please just leave him alone! I controlled myself thankfully. Then when they allowed Tyler to walk around and explore his new surroundings he calmed down and relaxed. They were happy to see him calm back down. Once calm Chris and I got to speak to the doctor about treatment. Chris enjoyed the doctors comment about the meds the hospital had him on. I think her words were "interesting assortment" of meds. Chris had been questioning what effect all these meds had on Tyler. We are told at rehab one of the meds they have been giving Tyler will stay in his system for weeks! Weeks? Seriously! So the docs here are working on changing up meds. That's become a term we hear daily it seems. They are playing with his meds. Seriously, they change meds daily (or at least every other day).
I will be so happy when changing his meds is not part of daily living. Along with many other things!
Here we are in rehab. They want us to continue to stay with Tyler through the night so Ashley and i broke up the night to hang with him. The rehab also has a "sitter" with him. They are more strict about us doing stuff with Tyler. They say we can't help him up until we are oked by PT. What a different way of doing things!
While going through all the check-in stuff they say typical time frame is 21 days of rehab. 21 days of Tyler being here. Hard to believe its been almost 2 weeks. We are not 100% sure of the plan right now but thinking since someone has to be here for therapy each day we will keep the hospitality house and that way we don't have to drive back and forth,
Going through all this puts stuff into perspective for me. I would dump every account i have and take out any loan to make sure my child us cared for! I would do that for any of my kids. There really is not anything i need that would come before my kids except my marriage and Christ.
As Chris and laid down last night i was reminded just how thankful i am to be going through this with him by my side being carried by the Lord. Our faith is in the Lord as he is caring us through hand in hand, joined at the hip! This time has only brought us closer together as hubby and wifey!
Thinking about a verse i hold on to with our marriage -
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12New American Standard Bible (NASB)
9 Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. 10 For if [a]either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not [b]another to lift him up. 11 Furthermore, if two lie down together they [c]keep warm, but how can one be warm alone? 12 And if [d]one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.
I love this verse. Love it more today then i did before this accident.
I am so thankful for Ashley through all this, without her Chris and i would not get a few hours a day to hang out. I think yesterday was the first in awhile we went to asleep at the same time. I was tired and knew 2am would come early. Either way we could not rest if we dud not have Ashley standing with us. The 3 of us have our armour on and are fighting for the best life Tyler can have.
We try really hard to let my kids live their life without me hoovering over them, however, these past two weeks we have made sure we are hoovering over Tyler checking everything the doctors and nurses are doing. We are checking and asking questions about meds. These last 11 days now we have become helicopter parents! And while being helicopter parents to Tyler, we have left our baby girl to take more responsibility on, for our sweet boy to manage a lot more and our sweet pea to be involved more!
I will end with this- people working in the health care field, work in a critical thankless job. Most nurses are afraid to have family around because they are questioned and not treated the best. I get that- when in this situation we want our loved one attended to and taken care of, the nurses do the best job they can. Emergency nurses and doctors are constantly dealing with the stress of not only the patient but the emotional family as well. They have a lot on them. We have tried to take every opportunity to let these workers know how much we appreciate their work, and care for our boy. The helicopter men and women have become my heroes. Please take time to thank those around you who work in the ICU, progressive, ER, and if you are blessed enough to know a helicopter or transport nurse thank them, tell them you appreciate them. Without them we would not have our boy! Thank you! Everyone in the medical field for sticking it out in school to get those letters behind your name! Blessings!