Mom's life

Do you ever stop and think if you were shone a recording of your life with kids during the hard times and the great times would you still sign up? Would you jump right into the moment when things get a little hairy? Or were you like me and thought "I am going to be a way better parent than my parents were to me. I am going to ......" Yep that was my mind set in my teens. Really? Someone should of smacked me across the face!

Did you ever look at the new born babe and think "WOW, in just 18 short years, that feel like 18 months, I am going to send you to a place where everything I have taught or tried to teach you is going to be tested and even told to you is not true or right".

I hear mothers talk about their little ones - how they cannot wait for their baby to crawl, walk, talk, start school, and the list goes on. I was one of those momma's. I could not wait for my "little man" to grow up. I could not wait for him to ride a bike, for him to stay home alone, for him to - all kinds of stuff. Well, it all happened! He grew up! And so did his brother and his two sisters. So fast they grew up! Right before my eyes they grew up and I blinked!

I often think in my times of craziness, which has been lately. How nice it was when we could of came home from school and chilled out. How I miss the days of half day kindergarten when we would come home, eat. and have quiet time together. I think how I would love to stop time for one day and enjoy all that is right in front of my eyes.

Do you ever have days when you think "I didn't sign up for this!" I have these days and the crazy days when I am lucky (and I don't believe in luck) to go to the bathroom, and then I take a hard look at my day and the only one I can blame is myself. I said yes to all of it! I am the one who allows stuff on my schedule. I was the one who taught my kids how to be involved in way too many activities and now I am stressed because they have to be some place.

Funny how we blame others for OUR stress.

So what's the point of this blog today??? Well its this - Humility! God did not allow us to birth teenagers for a reason - first of all it just would not work, physically. Second, because we learn a lot from our little guys. What I did not learn was "don't wish away the years. They go way too fast"!  Humility to serve my family first! Not myself but  my husband very first, then my children. This family is the MOST important. I must teach them how important they are to me before they will ever think we are important to them! Humility to know I don't have it all figured out nor do I need to!

So what gets in the way of Humility? Pride and more pride.

I  recently was read the 50 fruits of pride  by James McDonald, very convicting. I realized how much of my life is ate up in pride. It is pride that wanted my kids to do the next thing. To get to the next step. It was all self serving, self something. I was accomplishing something by the milestones they advanced to.

My challenge to you is to imitate Mary and ponder all things in your heart!

In the days when life does not go according to plan and you find yourself thinking "I wish you would......" take a moment to ponder all thing in your heart!
I know I need to do this more!


Lori said…
Wonderfully spoken! We do push them through fast forward and then wonder how that happened. Love this!

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