Things that make you Hummm!!
IS this Beautiful or what?? God's creation is amazing! Ever wonder why He made different parts of the World look so different. Why did God make people so different? Why are there different kinds of flowers, trees, plants, animals, and insects? Looking at the opposite what if everything was the same? That would be pretty boring, Wouldn't it?
Isn't it great that every person (child) is different! Could you imagine if everyone was just like you? If everyone was just like me?
Could you imagine teaching a class full of all the same students? Not bad if they were all like your best student, but what if they were all like the most challenging student?
Could you image parenting all the same children? Might be easy- you would know what to do when they act up? But what if they are all like the child who nothing works for discipline? Do you have one of those? Have you taught one of those? We had one of those! Maybe two of those!! Humm!!
Do you ever wonder about tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Next year? Next 10, 20, 30, 50 years? Ever wonder who you will be in those times? What you will look like or be like? What about your kids? Do you look at them and wonder what they will look like in 10 years? Those preschoolers will be teens, those teens will be mid twenties. Hummm!!
I think about these things more than I should.
There are so many things that make my mind go hummm!!
Why do some women have harder pregnancies then others? Why do some babies have colic? Why are some toddlers easier to potty train? Why and why and why?
I guess the biggest question I have asked myself and God is why the end times are so confusing and do we really need to know about them? What do we need to know? Will I be one who is deceived by the dragon? Will the Day of the Lord be tomorrow? Am I ready?
These are just a few of the things that make me go Hummmm!! What makes you go Humm??
I am so grateful for the secret things of the Lord. I am reminded that His ways are not my ways, His thoughts not my thoughts! I am reminded to not be wise in my own eyes to trust in Him.