
War of Words By Paul David Tripp

First declaimer - my mind is everywhere! Please forgive me ahead of time if this ends up being crazy and spotty!

I have been thinking and honestly being drove crazy by WORDS. Words in texts, words to each other, words in general. The reason this drives me crazy is because I am the Queen of no filter between my thoughts and my lips. I would think as I have grown this would be better now, I have read the book above twice, I have listen to all his pod casts on this book. I am reminded of this book daily. 

Why are we so loose with our words? Why do we have to micro correct all those around us? Why do we put others down to build us up? Sadly some times I do not believe that is our intent. Why do we take opportunities to tear each other down?  Why are we not so quick to say sorry? To humble ourselves! 

Side note for my reminder - Humble- no where in scripture are we told to "act" humble. Humble is not thinking of others as less than yourself, it is not thinking of self at all! That is really hard in the world we live in! 

Beth Moore's study Children of the Day  1 &2 Thessalonians has been a great study. She says in Lesson 6 Day two that we cannot do life alone. Yet we live with some huge critics, any time we put our self in a place of authority  we open ourselves up to criticism. I love what Beth says, "Throughout the years I've also received (and sometimes earned) volumes of criticism and you may too, but we have to get back up, dust ourselves off and go on with God."  Earlier she shares how she needed criticism, she need to be corrected, she needed to see where she was teaching incorrectly.  "IF we don't let a little embarrassment kill us, it might equip us. We don't have to fall dead just because we turned red" says Beth Moore.  Isn't this such a good word. I can get so beat up by others words. I can take things so personally. I love how when she was young she received the correction. 

Another side note - If we take correction as a young person will that make us better at giving correction as an older person? Hum - just a thought!

I can pick out so quickly when one of my children speaks poorly of the other just to elevate themselves. Why? because I struggle with that also! The saying goes "Be a Lumber Jack before an eye surgeon." I am sure if someone brought it to my attention as a teen I would have thought they were being mean. I am on the other side of that, where I want to be shown when the words out of my mouth are putting others down. 

Is there a difference between putting someone down and correcting someone? Yes, there is! I think in our correction we can put others down. I know I have done it! I don't mean to yet I still do. 

Paul Tripp  shows in God's Word how our words are for building others up. That the tongue cannot be tamed - it praises our Lord one minute and cruses others the next. Ephesians says that our words are for edification and grace. Tripp also says every word is either praising God or praising Satan. Who do you want to praise? 

Why is it so hard to build others up? Why is so hard to resist the temptation to put others down? Why do we go for corruption rather than peace? 

Why is it so hard to follow 1 Thess.  to rejoice always (even when we are hurting), pray without ceasing (even when we don't know how to pray, the Lord says the Holy Spirit knows our groans), in everything give thanks! (not just when things work out, In EVERY THING!) In trials we are called to do this as well as in celebration times. 

Thank-you for joining me on my sanctification journey! We all have a journey they just all look different - there are however, only 2 ends! When we choose God's journey it will be a sweet aroma!


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