
So here I am waiting again!  Waiting for others to tell me what to do.  Waiting to hear what will happen.  Waiting to know how to react.  Waiting!
Thinking of Moses,  the wilderness,  Mary waiting for baby Jesus to come.
Why am I waiting?  Waiting to know what is going on with dad,  waiting to know why he is in the state he is in.  So why blog?  To keep my mind from going to destruction. Blog to keep God 's character and promises in clear sight.
just got called back,  praying for dad!
To be continued. .. thinking dehydration!

What I do know is God is good all the time and all the time God is good!  No matter what God is in control! God is love,  God is faithful and true!
It is so hard to know those you love are in pain or helpless.
Thinking of how thankful I am that while I was helpless and sinful Christ died for me.  That no matter what happens on this earth Christ has me in His hands.  Fear has no grip on me when I rest in the Lord.
I need to rest in the Lord!  I need to be reminded that He loves me so much He knows the number of hairs on my head!
Praising God for His faithfulness,  relying on His strength!


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