22 and counting!!!
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April 7, 2015 |
April 8, 1993 |
22 years ago we left Naples Fl and traveled to Hickory to see my Dad. this year we left Hickory and traveled to Naples and saw my Dad!
22 years ago young and dumb, today not so young and still have lots to learn!
22 years ago we sold most of what we had, packed up our car and drove to begin our new life.
22 years ago started it all! An absolutely beautiful mess!
22 years ago I thought I loved this man! Today I love him so much more!!
22 years ago I got to know my dad, today I love him so much more!!
22 years ago I stole a gift from my Mom and gave it to my Dad!
Yes we were a mess, with not a care in the world! We an idea, a crazy idea, that turned into the most beautiful love story of all. Packing up our Ford truck with the boat, our Geo tracker with the radio and my friends red truck with a U-haul of our clothes and bed, we headed to Hickory. Hold up wait a minute - that was in August not in April.
In April, we loaded up the Geo Tracker and headed to North Carolina. We came to see Dad to visit, then head to Nashville, TN. We were going to get married in Nashville. No money for a wedding and a honeymoon, so we opted for both at the same time. We stayed with Dad and Chris loved the fishing so much and he had never been out of Florida so we ended up staying here and went to the local Government Building. (Which I regret terribly)
We got married on a Thursday and for our wedding dinner we went to a really nice restaurant (wink wink) Annabel's in the mall. Yep you read that right, in the mall! My step-mom, at the time, got us a cake and we went back to their single wide and ate cake and watched a movie. I believe that is when we saw "Pure Country" with George Straight.
When I look back on who I was then all I see is God's Grace washed all over me! I was such a sinful being! Not that I have arrived now, BUT GOD has redeemed me from who I once was!
22 years ago I dreamed of being a mom, today I have 4 beautiful blessings who call me Mom!
22 years ago I dreamed of having my own place
22 years ago I was not sure what marriage really looked like
22 years ago I thought I had life figured out
22 years ago I thought I was in charge of my life
22 years ago I was helpless
Today, GOD! Today I know whose I am and who is in charge of my life, and it's not me!! And I could not be happier knowing the KING of the universe loves me, cares for me, calls me His own. And even better He called Chris to be His, to be a man after His heart not a man of his own flesh!
With God all things are possible! With God the last 22 years happened! With God our love has grown into something more precious than gold. With God we love! With God we live! With God all things happen!
Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor.10 For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up. 11 Furthermore, if two lie down together they keep warm, but how can one be warm alone? 12 And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.