I was talking to a friend the other day and we were taking about her daughter being 24 and still living at home. People think it is crazy to allow her to still be living there. I shared with my friend how great I thought it was that her daughter wanted to live at home at 24. How that must mean home is a great place to live. She asked me to explain why I thought it was right!
Thinking of things biblically, the women is to submit to her father then to her spouse. I explained that women who go through school and then have their own place have a season of not submitting to anyone in her home life. She is only accountable in the home to her self. She does her own bills, makes her own budget, saves up and buys her what she wants. This can be a hindrance to her. Why? Well we all know women hate submission, we generally do not think a man should be "over" us, we want to be their equal. We as women have a hard time allowing men to lead. We have a hard time allowing them to make decisions for us. We have a hard time with the word submit. Right?
We have the idea planted in our head that we need to take care of our selves. We should not need anyone.
I just read a great idea and explanation on the idea of submission from John MacArthur. "The word here for “subject,” or “submit” is hupotasso, it’s a Greek verb, hupotasso, it’s compounded. It means…tasso means to arrange, to place in order, and hupo is under. It’s a military term, it means to place yourself under, to rank yourself under. That’s what it means in the military sense. It is to rank yourself under those in authority over you, under those who have responsibility for you, to be under someone. As a general principle as Christians, we are to live lives of submission."
We are to live in a humble, submissive way in the midst of any hostile, godless, slandering society. -John MacArthur
When a young girl is on her own she comes out from under having to submit. This feels really good, then when she gets married it is that much harder for her to submit to her husband as he is to submit to Christ. I have spoken to many couples who had time on their own and the biggest struggle they have as a couple is coming together, joining the bank accounts (lots of couples have separate accounts due to lack of submission), making joint decisions on big purchases. I am amazed at the disagreements that happen in these areas. Yes, I know all couples have these. I find it more in couples who have lived on their own first! There is the wonder if those of us that went straight from mom and dad's authority to hubby's authority have it any easier. There are still struggles in submission.
I am not saying women should live with their parents for ever. I am saying why should we be in a rush for them to leave. Why would we want to make their marriage harder on them? Would we not want to try to make our daughters marriage better? A little easier?
I am not saying they should not go off to school either! I am saying as parents we should show our girls that God's word is true, good and right! And the way he has designed the family to work is perfect! It is His way, not our way!
God's way is perfect and for believers it is the only way!
Look in Ephesians and 1 Peter for the way our families should be. Now, of course, I know we are not perfect. I struggle with submission daily! Submission to God ultimately, through my struggle with submitting to my hubby, the government (I can't drive 55!!), and any other authority in my life. I know that ultimately when I do not submit myself to them I am sinning against the Lord which needs to be confessed, asked for forgiveness, and turn from my sin. The first step though, is realizing that this is sin in my life!
I love my girls and want to model the family according to God's plan and His will for our lives as wives is to submit, honor, and respect!