God's plan, my rebellion

I have been thinking alot lately.  I have wrote this post at least 10 times in my mind,  I have shared some of this with my sweet pea, I have mulled over thoughts and cannot seem to let it go!  (Insert singing)
Thinking about my childhood,  thinking about raising children who love the Lord with all their heart,  soul,  and mind.  Thinking of my struggles in this world.
Anyone who has spent time with me knows I struggle with submission.  Submission to my hubby mostly. I often question myself and ask God, if this thing in front of me is a time for submission.  When I know what is right and hubby insists is wrong,  how do I handle this?  Speak my peace lovingly and then let him decide and if and when he is wrong say nothing.  That is really hard!  That is like super duper hard!  It's worst if he does not come back and say,  "sorry honey,  you were right and I was wrong. " Or let's say he thinks one way and I don't agree with his thinking.  Something not spelled out in scripture so not a right and wrong thing.  His conviction which is not mine.  Then what do you do? How does a submitting wife respond?  I have been told,  you live under his conviction. Meaning you submit to his conviction, whether you get it or not!! That's super duper hard as well!  That's why I got rid of all my leggings. I thought this meant I was  worried more about what hubby thought instead of God. I was told that by honoring my hubby I am honoring God!
Please don't think I am perfect on this! Just ask my Hubby and he will tell the truth, remember I struggle here!!
Thinking of my childhood, I wanted to be any where but my home.  Why?  Because I wanted to do what I wanted to,  I wanted to dress the way I wanted to,  I wanted to make my own rules.  Honestly,  biblically speaking,  I wanted to rebel,  I did not want to be under my parents authority,  I wanted to be under my own authority and "no one was gonna tell me what to do. "
Chris had spent some time in Romans 8 recently and we were talking about how the law is death to the unregenerate.  We talked about how to the rebellious when we speak the law it is death.  My parents rules (which were not much) were death.  I did not see them for what they were,  I saw what they were not.
I was thinking last week while working in the garden about our kids and how God has given them 2 things to do.  Well maybe one- to honor and obey their parents.  I missed this growing up.  And to think it comes with a promise,  that it will be well for us.  I never thought about what that meant.  Chris and I have talked about this,  what this means,  what this promise looks like.  So while in my garden,  I was thinking could this promise be that we as girls/women learn submission,  obedience to our husbands?  In the home is the training ground for life,  then wouldn't learning to honor and obey our parents mean we would have the upper hand to being a proverbs 31 women?  One who respects and submits to her hubby,  even when we is wrong or makes a bad decision!  Oh my radar went off,  what am I training my girls to do?  What kind of wife am I training them to be if I am not respectful and submissive? I would be training them to be the wife that is nagging and irritating, the wife that the proverbs say is better for my hubby to live on the corner of the roof.
If my rules (laws) make my kids angry,  stir up in them that they can't wait to leave then my rules are bringing death to them.  Will they automatically learn to submit when they get married?  I think not!  I don't want them well into their marriage struggling with submission because I failed to explain that home is where we are trained.  My mom said once,  "I felt like my job from the time my kids were born was to teach them how to live on their own. " This is so true,  yet I would add to love the Lord our God with all their heart soul and mind.  To love their neighbor as themselves!
The blessing we receive is worth a life time when we obey His commands and we obey because we love Him.
If our girls move out from under their parents authority and not under their hubby's authority does this make it harder on them to submit to their hubby? I believe it does.  Does God want our girls under their own authority? What about if they are 25, 30, 35, or older? Does waiting so long to get married make submission harder?
What starts as obedience in the home continues into our marriages. How much better would the world be with better marriages,  with marriages of two people who, the hubby loves as Christ loved the church and the wife respects and submits.
Parents' job is more than we think,  or maybe it's just me! Maybe I am so late in the game that I just now am putting these two things together.
Obedience breathes life and Rebellion breaths death!! Where do I live? Did I express to my children long ago it is better to obey? Do my children obey on the outside, yet their hearts are far from me?

Do I understand the importance of obeying the Lords words?? Am I seeking Him daily? Is my hubby the benefactor of my love of Christ?

         Proverbs 21:9New American Standard Bible (NASB)

It is better to live in a corner of a roof
Than [a]in a house shared with a contentious woman.

Ephesians 5 

Marriage Like Christ and the Church

22 Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, 26 so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by thewashing of water with the word, 27 that He might present to Himself the church[q]in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. 28 So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; 29 for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church, 30 because we are members of His body. 

Ephesians 6 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Family Relationships

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother (which is the first commandment with a promise), so that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth.


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