Middle and High School Years

Proverbs 17:17(NASB)

A friend loves at all times, 

And a brother is born for adversity.

Do you remember your middle and High School years? I do like they were yesterday! 
Middle School - Awkward!! That's all I can say! High School for me not the greatest years of my life.

Discipling my teenage daughters through these years are a challenge! A good challenge. They seem to  have Drama and no , not the class I took in High School (which was one of my favorite parts of High School). Drama and it does not have to include other people, it can just be the drama of teenagers mind or in the home.

Still hard for me to believe my baby girl is a teenager! Where did the time go?

I have a prayer for each of my children. The prayer of one true friend, if they have more than that great! I want my kids to all have that one true friend. You know that friend, the one you can have a fight with in the beginning of the day and by the end of the day you are closer. You may not agree but you are closer!  That friend that you are in each others wedding (unless of course you elope), that friend that in 20 years you can call after not talking for 6 months and pick up as if you just talked last week. That friend who knows how sinful of a creature you are and still loves you! That's what I want for my kids. That high low friend as I call it!!   That friend that you know their parents and when younger called them mom and dad. 

This  makes me think - Do parents who are not popular have kids who are not popular? Do popular parents make popular kids? What is it that makes certain people more popular? What is it that makes certain people less popular? Or worst the person who others see as not approachable? The one who is not approachable is probably the one who needs friends the most! You know those people, maybe its you? Maybe it's me - the ones who are all by themselves in a room full of people! Maybe they don't want friends? I doubt it! They may have been hurt by someone, they may have been left out! We really don't know unless it's us! 

Either way popular or not that really does not matter. What does is  genuine friendships! Friends that are a brother or sister. You know how your family knows you best, they see your sweet side and your ugly side, and they love you all the same!!

That best friend who prepares you to be a spouse. That friend who can look past your short comings and love you the same! Isn't that what we are called to first with our siblings, next with our friends, and third and most importantly with our spouse! Is this not why God calls us to live at peace?. For men to live with their wives in an understanding way? For wives to respect their hubbys.?

Any one can love a friend, it takes grace to love your sibling! God's grace, God's forgiveness!


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