Helpless babes!
So it's Valentine's week and I have just spent a week loving on my dad. I have so many thoughts that keep coming I must get them out or they keep me up all night long.
Thinking today about my dad I am reminded of Christ.
As my dad lay in the hospital bed completely dependant on others and at times not very nice to those who love him and want the best for him, I thought today of what a perfect picture of Christ's love for us. We were but helpless babes! I mean while we were all sinners, while we like dad were/are the most unlovable, Christ died for our sins. He got nothing out of it, I got nothing out of rubbing dad's legs as he is irritated that I would not let him get up. There were times I had to walk out of the room, get a break. Knowing in 30 mins dad would be a new man. Christ never turned His back on us never needing to take a break. While some of us spit in Christ's face He still loved us!
Christ took on the sins of the world so that we, those who repent and believe, would not have to spend eternity in hell.
I looked at my dad this week and felt compassion for him. Wanting so bad to say "get up and walk". Oh Lord would you make that happen.
I look at him and I am reminded of how helpless we are without Christ! How prideful I am, focused on what I want no matter how bad it is for me! How quickly life passes us by. How important it is to talk things out, and not harbor unforgiveness.
How important family is.
1 John 3:16 "We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers "(and sisters!)
Thinking today about my dad I am reminded of Christ.
As my dad lay in the hospital bed completely dependant on others and at times not very nice to those who love him and want the best for him, I thought today of what a perfect picture of Christ's love for us. We were but helpless babes! I mean while we were all sinners, while we like dad were/are the most unlovable, Christ died for our sins. He got nothing out of it, I got nothing out of rubbing dad's legs as he is irritated that I would not let him get up. There were times I had to walk out of the room, get a break. Knowing in 30 mins dad would be a new man. Christ never turned His back on us never needing to take a break. While some of us spit in Christ's face He still loved us!
Christ took on the sins of the world so that we, those who repent and believe, would not have to spend eternity in hell.
I looked at my dad this week and felt compassion for him. Wanting so bad to say "get up and walk". Oh Lord would you make that happen.
I look at him and I am reminded of how helpless we are without Christ! How prideful I am, focused on what I want no matter how bad it is for me! How quickly life passes us by. How important it is to talk things out, and not harbor unforgiveness.
How important family is.
1 John 3:16 "We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers "(and sisters!)