Day 55- Yes we are still counting the days

We are still counting every day from the accident, still keeping notes on Tyler to be able to see the healing and to journal his days actives.

Psalm 103New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And all that is within me, bless His holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And forget none of His benefits;
Who pardons all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases;
Who redeems your life from the pit,
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion;
Who satisfies your [a]years with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle.

I cannot help but sing praises to the Lord. Tyler jokes and laughs about the accident sometimes, more than my heart can handle some times. I look at him and honestly I want to cry. I want to cry huge tears of joy and reverence to the Lord. I look at Tyler and constantly think I am not worthy.  Who am I that the Lord would bless me with 55 plus days of having my oldest son here on earth with me?  Why was I give/shown such great favor to have my precious son here? I know too many other  people who were not given this grace, mercy, and compassion!  I love my family more than anything, yet I know if the Lord should choose to take one of them away HE would get me through the loss. 

Funny how I have thought over the years what my biggest fears are. I will be honest- my two biggest fears are loosing my hubby and loosing my kids. I have stressed over loosing them. I have cried thinking about it and panicked about it when it was never real. This has made me face this fear head on- I have prayed many times for the Lord not to take them. I have told the Lord I would go crazy without them. I have even bargained with the Lord about not loosing them.  Then I sat and cried and stressed about it all.  I asked myself if I am this stressed and I truly trusting in the Lord? Am I truly resting in the Lord? Do I really believe the Lord is my Savior? And the answer is honestly a huge - NO! If I am truly stressing and living a life in fear of what might happen I am in no way trusting the Lord or believing in His Sovereignty.  When I faced this truth I began praying that the Lord would prepare me for what life has for me and if that is loosing my hubby or one of my kids He would get me through. No one or NOTHING else would get me through this. For about the last 6 to 8 months when my mind would go to the dream or wonder off to some terrible thought I would say (sometimes out loud) Lord if you should let this happen then YOU will get me through!! YOU alone are my Rock and Redeemer. YOU Lord are my strength and my tower!! 

I think about this as we are out in public more and I am asked daily how Tyler is! I think back to that first day and am reminded of praying the whole way to Charlotte for the Lord to prepare me for what I was getting ready to see. My son in a hospital bed unsure of his condition. 

I stand amazed at the grace of the LORD by the healing we have seen in Tyler. He has had so many appointments this week and we will have so many appointments from here on out for a while til he is better.  Tyler has done fabulous! His stomach has not been fabulous! Oh and to add to all his doctor appointments - we get his right pink x-rayed which he hurt the first couple of days in Rehab and find out he broke it! We asked many times about his pinky and were told it was soft tissue damage because he did not say it hurt!  Now over a month later it has not healed so we have it x-rayed. Yep he broke it! To the hand specialist!! 

It is good that he has appointments, it makes the day go fast! Tyler asks each night "What appointments do I have tomorrow?"  Of course Snow days throw everything off and appointments get changed around. This can be tough, Tyler likes to know when things are happening so he can prepare for them.

Tyler is doing great! He still gets confused and his mind fills in details he really does not remember. He likes to know what is happening and change is hard for him to handle.  

He is handling being around people at his appointments but rests in the peace and quiet of home. Home is our refuge!!

Again I say Tyler is doing really well and at this point unless you knew him before you would probably never know there was anything wrong with him.  He really is a blessing and a gift of God's faithful Grace!!

Ephesians 4:7New American Standard Bible (NASB)

But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.

Ephesians 2:8New American Standard Bible (NASB)

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and [a]that not of yourselves, it isthe gift of God;

I stand in awe of the Grace given to me- I deserve nothing!!!
As we all enjoy the gift of snow, I am saddened that my baby girl did not enjoy the snow, she enjoyed the stomach Virus. She has been in bed since Tuesday after school. 

Please join me in praying:
Tyler - complete healing, to be able to finish school, not be stressed by all the expenses, see the gift of grace given to him - God is not finished with him yet!
Rest of us- grace, love, mercy, patience through this process, not to be overwhelmed by all that needs to be done. None of us to get sick!!
Carmen- healing from this nasty illness, whether it is Virus or the Flu

 thanks Jeslea! 


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