On a Dress Mission!!
Hi my name is Carmen Cerrito! I love my mumyyyyyy
I told you I would write about Allee's "on a dress mission". Explain what I meant about that.
Allee is my child who is as the saying goes "slower than molasses". She does not know what it means to be in a hurry. Or maybe I am just too much in a hurry! I have asked Allee "what time do you need to be at work?" She would answer "2pm" it is now 1:45 and she is going in her room to change. She wakes up late and instead of thinking "I will take a quick shower and I can still make it on time", she gets up does her normal routine and gets to school late. Her jog is slower than some peoples walk. When we are out walking she is usually 20 feet behind and asks me to slow down. Kyle was like this as a young boy and he was "Ketchup, Kyle". He also loves ketchup!! It goes on everything!
Allee is the child that when we have a hard long project that needs to be done we have her do it! I know that may sound mean, she is a hard worker and will stay at it all day! She does great work for others and does not mind spend hours doing it. Most kids would go as fast as they can to get the job done. Allee will in her same pace do the job she is given. She works very well with her hands. I often wonder how she deals with the fast pace of the fast-food business. I am sure she does a great job and she may actually work really fast. I don't know!
So about a year ago, Allee needed a black dress for a chorus concert. She had a very particular one in mind. Not one she had seen, no this was one she came up with in her mind. Black dress with long "bell" type sleeves, not too short, not too tight, and with an elastic waist! Sound easy enough, right? Well, I went to a local store by the school and found what I thought fit the criteria. Nope it did not. I think the sleeves were wrong. I thought it was a perfect match! So we decided to take some "mother-daughter" time to go to the mall and other surrounding stores to find this dress or something like it!
We get to the mall and we walk in - then it happened! Allee broke out in this strut like I have never seen! She was on a mission. I tried really hard not to say anything and "booty shaked" to keep up with her. I think I started to sweat! Now, I know I walk fast. I am told by many people I walk really fast. G-pa tells me constantly to slow down and tells me it's not a race! I tried to keep up what felt like forever, I think it was maybe an hour. When I finally had to tell Allee to slow down. I could not help but laugh thinking "man, this girl is on a mission!" I have never in my life seen this girl walk this fast!
I saw her run pretty fast once. Allee ran cross country and the whole season she was near the back. She did not love running and I knew it. I think she only did it to make me happy! She was so fast tho, she would run the mile in PE in like 6 mins. Crazy fast!! She was in the back the whole season, then conference came, we saw Allee running and were like "WOW!! She is really starting off fast!" Her coach came over to us and said "Do you see your girl?" I was like "yep!" and coach said "that's the number 2 and 3rd place girls she is running with." She ended up finishing like 2nd overall in the conference. I was so proud of her efforts that day we went out to celebrate!
So back to the dress, I think we were out like 6 hours looking for this dress. Going from one store to another, I then suggested maybe a skirt and top to get the look you are wanting. we looked high and low. The girl ran (literally) me all over town looking for a dress. Her pace really did not slow even though I asked many times to "slow down"! Each time I laughed thinking I am the one asking her to slow down. I even spent time in Florida with my mom (because of my dad's failing health) looking for this dress, that we soon realized did not exist!
Allee even asked me to make her the dress. Too bad my mom did not live closer, she could of pulled it off. Wait! Did I mention that Allee found out she needed this dress in a time of maybe 2 weeks.?? Allee even thought maybe she could make the dress. Ya know, if we found the pattern and the material I am pretty sure she could of done it! The girl is amazing with her hands! Yes, she needs a hands on job!!
I really thought this was a once in a life time thing with Allee, I was wrong! she wanted to look for Prom dresses. Again, she had a particular one in mind and we were "on a dress mission" once again. We have come up empty handed on that as well! Where is my mother when I need her talent of sewing!! I really believe Allee could be a designer! She gets a certain thing in her mind and it really does not exist!! I hope she marries a man like my hubby, who can build anything! She is gonna needed it!! Did I mention she is creative too! Or does that go without saying!! I think her whole house will be one of a kind pieces that she has designed!
So now when I need Allee to walk fast I tell her "I need Allee on a mission for a dress!" It does not always work!!
FYI- the picture above is from the Chorus Concert, we did not ever find a dress. She borrowed one from my mother-in-law. It was not her favorite but she had a black dress to wear and we were grateful!!
Yes Lord, this child you have entrusted to me is fearfully and wonderfully made!! There is none like her!!