How can I get a couple more hours a day?

Do you have those seasons where you think "I just need a few more hours a day to keep caught up on everything"? Well I am in one of those seasons.  I keep thinking this week will be better.  This week I will carve out time to catch up on things around the house.  This week I will get to these magazines I pay for every month.  I get 3 magazines a month.  Humm! This week I will text those people I want to reach out to,  this week I will see how my friends are doing.  So why do I not have time in my day.  Honestly?  I am not 100% sure!  Where is my time going?  Am I spending too much time focused on myself?  Am I spending to much time on social media?  I will have to assess that.  My mind has been crazy,  my life in my mind seems like it is spiraling out of control.  I cry just thinking about the battle in my mind.  My flesh and my spirit are in battle.  This battle causes me to over think things,  to be way too sensitive.  This battle brings the worst out in me.  This battle plants the seed of selfishness of "what about me"!

I know the armor I must put on.  The armor of the spirit.  The armor of taking every thought captive.  The armor of thinking only on what is true,  right,  pure, lovely, excellent,  and praise worthy not on how something feels.  How I think someone else feels.  And even when I know how someone else feels not allow that to dictate how I am to react.  Still fight the flesh that wants me to fight back and get puffed up on who I think I am.

I can tear myself down really fast,  I don't need help.  I can allow others thoughts,  feelings,  or words to bring me down to get my pride going.

I think God has ways to show me I am not who I think I am, and then I think God takes times to use others to encourage and build me up!

As my eyes tear up I am confident that God wants me and you to not get our identity from any other source but Him!  I am reminded I am not on this earth to be a wife, to be a mother, to be a baby of 6, to be a coach,  to be the mother of a player. I am here on earth to glorify God.  And sometimes we can do that by not saying a word! To over look hurtful or not very nice things that have been said or implied!

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,  but against the rulers,  against the world forces of this darkness.  Ephesians 6:13


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