Feeling Defeated?
Feeling defeated? Feeling like the underdog? Feeling like no matter what you can't win? Feeling like the harder you try the harder you fail? Feeling like crying? Feeling like you are thrashed against the rocks?
Yep all the above!! Ever have those times when you want to help, try to help , and yet some how it comes back against you? How about those times you have such compassion for another that you want to love well only to realize you have not?
I have learned a lot in the past couple of months. I would not change that for the world! I am learning to have a new perspective on things. I am learning to look at what things are instead of what they are not. A difficult time is a learning time for me, a time what will mold me into what I will be one day! What I am today is because of the hard times in my life that have brought me down, down to my knees. I am who I am today because of the adversity I have faced. I see what God is doing in me and look into each hard time and wonder what it is God wants to change in me. Am I too compassionate that I step into situations I should stay back from? Am I so concerned for others that I say what I should not say. Yep been there!
God never promised an easy life. We will do things right hearted wrong headed. Looking back is always 20/20! Would of, could of, should of.
I look around my life and want to cry for those in my life who are struggling - struggling in relationships, health, emotional, and the list goes on. People who may at any given time look like they have it all together who really are struggling!
Knowing I am the daughter of a King seems like it should make it easier. It really does not make the hurt any less, I do have a Hope. A hope in Christ that is like no other. A hope in the eternal not the here and now.
I want my kids to know that Hope. The hope that whatever is happening in this moment, in this week, in this month will not be what the eternal will be! I pray that my kids will know that what the eternal looks like is all that matters. Does that make this moment any easier? No it doesn't, it hopefully will set our sights on the unseen, the eternal! For this world is not our home and we are to live as aliens in this world!
I am looking to Christ to show me who I am and in Him I will rest! In HIM I will look for peace and compassion!!